Friday, January 13, 2017

Where to stay in Seoul? How about staying near Korean subway line 4? - Using Airbnb

How do you book your accommodations? You may book your accommodations using various online accommodation booking websites including,, expedia, and so on. Recently, Airbnb is growing fast among the online accommodation booking websites. I have also booked accommodations using this website when I went to the trip to Japan, Austrailia, and USA. The most adavantage of using Airbnb is that you can book almost anywhere you want. When I went to the San Diego in USA, I searched the accommodations using well known booking websites such as It was showed that the accommodations are far from my destination and expensive. But, when I searched the accommodations using Airbnb, I could find the right place. It was near my destination and moderate prices.

Fig 1. Airbnb main hompage.

When you want to stay in Seoul using Airbnb website, I recommend to search "Chungmu-ro or Chungmu-ro station". Chungmu-ro station belongs to Korean subway line 4. This station is three stops away from Seoul station and one stop away from Meyong-dong station. If you want to stay more quite place, I recommend this place rather than staying in Meyong-dong.

 Fig 2. Accommodations (red) near Chungmu-ro station.
You can see some accmmodations near Chungmu-ro station. I searched the accommodations using Airbnb (for 4 people and using entire home)

Fig 3. Korean subway map in Seoul.
Chungmu-ro station is three stops away from Seoul station and one stop away from Meyong-dong station. It belongs to Korean subway line 4 which is skyblue line in the map.

In next article, I will introduce the accommodations in Hongik Univ. station, which belongs to Korean subway line 2.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy Korea!

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